Thursday 4 August 2016

Film Review: Finding Dory (2016).

Hey everyone. Sorry I've been so AWOL, I've been busy celebrating my graduation and I haven't felt the motivation to blog recently. Anyone felt like this lately? Any tips to get me back into blogging?

While I wait for answers, I have a film review for you! And it's for Finding Dory, of course. I cannot even tell you how long I have waited for a sequel to Finding Nemo and it's paid off.. after 13 years (OMG WHAT), the blue fish is back and making me cry with laughter once again. So, let's get into the background and the review (without spoilers)!

The Background
Finding Dory is the sequel to Finding Nemo and follows Dory's new adventure, a blue tang fish who suffers from short-term memory loss. The only thing she can remember is that she somehow got separated from her parents when she was a child. With the help of her old friends, Marlin and Nemo, as well as some new friends, she sets off on a new adventure to find them again. Her journey takes her to the Marine Life Institute, a conservatory that saves and looks after different species of animals from the sea.. and somewhere her parents are trapped in there.

My Thoughts
13 years is a long, long time to wait for a sequel especially for a very popular film such as Finding Nemo. But Finding Dory was absolutely fantastic! But 10 minutes in and I was already emotional, sending me some flashbacks to the first film! Goddamnit, Pixar you know how to pull on my heartstrings.

Baby Dory is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen! Oh my god, throughout the film you get flashbacks to her and she just made my heart melt every single time. She was absolutely adorable and her story is heartbreaking.
Older Dory is just funny as always with her one liners and just her personality in general. It was great hearing Ellen Degeneres voicing the fish once more. Her journey took her to a marine conservatory which had Sigourney Weaver's voice over the intercom, telling guests about the sanctuary which added SO many laughs to this film!

The film is basically like the first one with Dory trying to find her parents just like Marlin did with Nemo. But this story really holds its own with old favourite characters coming back but also with some new hilarious additions to the cast. 

Hank the octopus... oops, the septopus, according to Dory, because he's missing one tentacle! He was a grumpy but hilarious character, helping Dory navigate her way throughout the sanctuary. Destiny the whale shark (who is short sighted) and Bailey the belgua whale (who has a brain injury) are absolutely fantastic. It's revealed that they're Dory's childhood friends which helps her remember more of her past life with hilarious consequences. 

Besides all the witty one liners and recurring jokes, the story has a wonderful message alongside it. Sure, Dory is very forgetful! Sure, Destiny can't see very far and Bailey's echo location doesn't work anymore but they're still helpful in their own way. The film teaches us that no matter what your limitations are, if you believe in yourself enough, you can do anything which is proven by Dory herself. It is a beautiful message and one I hope that children understand and apply to their own lives. It really is a great family film and a positive, good enough sequel to the first film. 

Ooh, there is also a short film called Piper before the film which was just adorable!

Have you seen this film yet? What did you think of it?
Let me know!
Thankyou for reading.


  1. I watched Finding Dory with my boyfriend and we both thought it was good, almost crying in the cinema. I wouldn't say it was as great as Finding Nemo but it was a good stand-alone film <3

    xx   B A S H   |   go   say     H E Y   B A S H

    1. No, the first one is definitely still the best! But it was good enough :) x

  2. I'm so curious to watch it too !!! xx

  3. Great post! Haven't watched it yet, but I'll definitely do it asap.

    Julia xx |

    1. Hope you enjoy it when you do. Thanks for reading x

  4. I've been curious about this movie. Thanks for sharing your review!

    Doused In Pink

  5. lovely post :)
    have a nice day,

  6. Haven't watched this yet :(

    1. You definitely should! It's very good :) x

  7. I cant wait to see this, I have such a long list of films I need to see at the moment though!
    Summer xx

    1. Me too! 2016 is a good year for movies x

  8. I haven't seen this yet--it sounds so cute though

  9. Congrats on graduating!!

    I haven't seen this movie yet since I heard, and you confirmed, there are parts that make you cry. I'm a sissy lol!

    1. Aw thankyou very much! Haha they don't make you cry for long, it's just very emotional sometimes. Well worth a watch though x

  10. Ohhh I can't wait to watch it! I should do that soon!


    Tamara -

    1. Hope you like it as much as I did then! x

  11. I still haven't seen this! Finding Nemo is so cute I'm sure I would love this one too!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

    1. Hope you enjoy it if you get round to watching it :) thanks for reading x

  12. Thx for the review, haven't watched it yet.


Thankyou for your comments. They are appreciated so much, I am very grateful and I will reply to every single one whenever I can. x